For me, drinking coffee started somewhat as a habit. I liked drinking it, but only if it tasted good. As I learned about coffee, it turned into a hobby. This hobby sent me on a search for better products, better techniques, and it taught me about the care that goes into a great cup of coffee. The transition from brewing at home to roasting beans on my own was a fairly natural one. It was brought about by the desire for the best cup possible. I cared so much—I wanted more control over how the coffee tasted.
I knew that if I started with a high quality product, and did my best to avoid roasting too dark, the result would be something that is enjoyable to drink.
The results blew me away. I can still taste the tangerine acidity and rustic sweetness of that first coffee from Ecuador I roasted.I let my friends try this first batch, and they were as amazed as I was. “It’s not bitter at all!” “If coffee always tasted like this, I would drink it more!” “Wow, doesn’t even need cream and sugar!”
Now, some time later, this habit has grown into a business. The “I” and “me” in this story has turned into “us” and “we.” With every roast, we are still getting similar comments to those I got from that first batch. Taking a high quality product we care about, and doing our best to keep the craft in our coffee, is proving to be the foundation of Rockford Roasting Company.